'I'm suppose to risk death in war based solely on my gender- am i a not victim of gender discrimination? The millions killed in war are overwhelming male. It's the worst form of sexism in the world.' :: Raizor ::
What happened to the men? War is a vicious circle. The Magnitude of war, upon others that would affect the sociology that our children will live on one day.
Displacementary opened with an accomplishing response. Huge thanks to KILAS, ANTZ, Sheryo, Wan and Zee for the support and love... Heads up to Toys'R'Evil for the great photos.
For all the patrons that took the time to come for the exhibition, I sincerely thank you for the worthy support and hope it was a pleasure.
:: Artvsts :: and Yours Truly will have their first exhibition at City Callery, Level 4 Bras Basah Complex. The show will kick off on 30th September at 7.30pm. It will run for a month. We hope to see you at our Showcase. Thank You...
Keep It Like a Secret, SpeakCryptic and OneTwoDelta
"SHHH...LOUDER PLEASE, THANK YOU" by KEEP IT LIKE A SECRET HOME CLUB, 20 Upper Circular RD. The Riverwalk B1-01/06
OneTwoDelta will be gracing the Exhibition that will kick off from 22nd July 2006 Doors open from 3pm. Outdoor booth in the club premises selling limited edition merchandise/vintage clothing & more. Live band performances starts from 7.30pm, POPTART plays their favorite tunes from 11.30pm till dawn
A live silkscreen/graffiti demonstration by KEEP IT LIKE A SECRET & FRIENDS will be conducted, after which the pieces will be put on sale here exclusively, along with other "KEEP IT LIKE A SECRET" art paraphernalia and original works.
Chapter One DER ACH OneTwoDelta was at Bandung with Indonesia's beautiful people. It was a blasting Bandung!! For more pictures visit Mondayz.com
OneTwoDelta with Artvsts and Geeksigners, SpeakCryptic and KILAS at esplanade for public interaction and charity effort. Kudos to Kenn,Ling and Brandon for making it a blast.
Off The Wall - Singapore Art Museum Collaboration with Clog02, KGB, Syco, TraseOne, Zero, PFT, Slac01, SpeakCryptic, Maes2ro and Antz. It was a blast!!