For the Children of Nias

For the Kids, For the Smiles
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Mixed media on plank, contribution for an Orphanage with Maes2ro.
A tribute to the strength of survivors and orphans
of the Tsunami & Nias earthquake. Artwork presented to June,
a Singaporean teacher who educates kids of the third world in Indonesia.

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Geylang Serai

Geylang Serai
A tribute to the Geylang Serai Market. A legendary place that has withstood
decades and changes but has always preserved the ambiance and robust social intregity among its community.With vast changes that might come its way,
I hope its essence and character remains.

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Collabo with The Killer Gerbil at Geylang Serai.

On Yer Mark...

On Your Mark...
A clear view from the Train at Kembangan Station.
Especially for the rat racers. Even with our greater self
for success, we should probably remind ourselves once in a while
to take it easy on the tracks.
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For the rat-racers view on the morning train.
Get your shoes on and get ready for the dash.
Just don't trip and fall.....
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Mad'L custom for City Gallery

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Seek Glory & Respect
A collabo with Antz from Geeksigners

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