A distress signal from a mind-numbing year of robotic routines to make ends meet had declared May 1st as an official day of nationwide slacking. A group of optimistic, and some times eccentric, creative individuals were perfectly clear on what they did not like: too much work and too little fun. So they each worked under their own pseudonym and one shared face, and very seriously made fun art for the love of life. There You Go is a showcase of works that probes the relationship between good and evil; beauty and ugliness; love and hate; friendship and animosity by nine local designers and fine artists.

There You Go is an independent effort by nine designers and fine artists whose works ranges from paintings, drawings, installation to poetry. Held in a rustic shophouse at 21 Haji Lane, this exhibition will tour the two-story facade of this modest space. Expect a lot of colours, details, obscurities and subliminal teasers. With these the exhibition hopes to converse with the audience, whilst sharing the ideas and agendas behind the featured works.
Exhibition will last through the day from 10.00am,
with the official opening at 5.00pm.